Goodbye to I'DGO at successful LGA fringe event
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Read and download our short statement on how we have influenced policy, practice and research (pdf format, 1.3mb).

Welcome to the legacy website of the I’DGO consortium
I’DGO (Inclusive Design for Getting Outdoors) was a research project funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. It explored if, and in what way, the ability to get out and about impacts on older people’s quality of life and what barriers there are to achieving this day-to-day.
I’DGO research involved over 4,350 participants and was undertaken in two key phases over a ten year period (2003-2103). The team involved research centres in the Universities of Edinburgh, Salford, Warwick and Heriot-Watt.
The research phases of I’DGO have come to an end, but you still have free access to our findings, design guidance and resources. For a quick overview, the most comprehensive record of our work is Why does the outdoor environment matter?
You can keep in touch with the team by emailing idgo@ed.ac.uk and by following us on Twitter.

Inclusive Design for Getting Outdoors (I’DGO). Last updated November 2014, email: idgo@ed.ac.uk