What is the theoretical background to our research?
Designed inclusively, outdoor environments have the potential to benefit older people in a number of ways. This section of our website summarises the established ‘environment-behaviour’ evidence base on the positive impact of getting outdoors on independence and quality of life. We examine the meaning of quality of life (QoL): recognising that health is not an all-encompassing measure. We also look at the underlying concept behind our research framework: ‘environmental support’ as an integration of personal projects, environmental attributes, and unmet needs.
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What research methods and tools do we use?
I'DGO has a multi-method approach to research. This means that we use a number of ways of collecting and analysing data, as well as measuring indicators of quality of life, allowing for the ‘triangulation’ (cross examination) of findings. Most of the work we do takes place in the ‘real world’: auditing neighbourhoods for accessibility; interviewing participants and running focus groups; observing behaviour; and equipping older people to collect their own data (via diaries, accelerometers etc.). We also undertake literature reviews and - in I'DGO TOO - have worked with laboratory simulation.
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